Thursday, July 3, 2008

3 July Update

New update on Healthier Life :

5 easy ways to keep in shape
1-Calf raise. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms by sides and dumb-bell (or two small bottles of water or cans of soup) in each hand. Exhale as you raise you heels off the ground. Inhale as you return heels slowly back to the ground. [...]

Introducing flexercise
What it is: Flexercise is a resistance band exercise that contracts and extends our muscle. Regular flexercise workout can improve our physical coordination, range of motion and flexibility. [...]

Exercise your way to stronger bones.
Most of us try to fit some exercise into our weekly routine for different reasons. Some people exercise to keep trim and fit; other to release stress or socialize. If you do not have an exercise routine, here's another good reason to get one going: Exercise helps to build strong bones. [...]

The slice is right
Hungry for a healthier pizza? It's all in the fermentation and baking of the dough, say researchers. University of Maryland food chemists have found that by baking wholegrain pizza dough for longer times and at higher temperatures, its antioxidant level get boosted. [...]


New update on Tips of the day:

Children life skills.
Teach simple task to build self-esteem. Building confidence and inculcating life skills should start from the day your child is born so that he learns independence early on. There are many opportunities and stages for nurturing the right attitude. [...]

Money talks (How you handle money matters can rub off on your kids)
Sound money management habits can form a strong foundation for how children deal with other when they grow up. "As you teach children about money, they also begin to learn other important lessons such as decision making, priorities, responsibility and goal setting," says Brian Goh, senior vice-president of ipac financial planning (Singapore). Here are some money lessons in daily activities [...]

mum for daughter tips
Here are some simple dos and don'ts for mothers raising daughter
-Plan a fun outing for just the two of you . She's more likely to open up with no-one else around. Choose [...]


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