Saturday, July 5, 2008

5 July Update

New update on Healthier Life :

Your jeans, your heart
You know that being chubby, especially around the waist, is unhealthy. Heres new way to measure the danger. Check you jeans. Men with pant sizes 38 inches and over and women sizes [...]

Healthy diet spoils taste for cigarettes
In a study of 209 smokers, 45 percent said that coffee enhanced the taste of cigarettes, while 44 per cent and 11 per cent said alcohol and meat had same effect [...]

IPODS disrupt pacemakers
Close encounters with Ipods caused interference with cardiac pacemakers in 50 percent of patients, according to electromagnetic test. When the iPods were held 5cm from patients' chests for 5-10 seconds, some pacemakers [...]


New update on Tips of the day:

Boy and girl racers start young
Want your kids to grow into responsible drivers? Watch how you drive when they're in the back seat. Research at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, shows that, not only do young children absorb your driving style [...]

Myth busters: Cosmetic surgery.
Hair transplants are only for men (Myth)
Hair-transplant surgery is performed more frequently on men, but many women suffer hair loss or thining due to age, disease or surgery: and they, too, can undergo hair-transplant [...]

Pen up your veggie diet
1. Introduce low-fat, high-fiber beans and pulse (such as lentils and chickpeas), which provide essential amino acids [...]

Step to finding the right kindergarten
Sending your child to a kindergarten can be a very anxious experience. Kindergarten gives your child a head start in learning nit just ABC's, but life skills, too. The following tips can be great help in your search and evaluation [...]

Bad day or burnout?
Everyone has periods when work piles up, the boss is ticked and stress is high. But there's a difference between a bad day or week at the office and burnout, according to Dr Micheal Leiter [...]

Pacifier advice for parent
According to Professor George Haycock, scientific adviser to the Foundation for the Study of Infant Death (FSID), "A number of research studies have suggested that babies [...]


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