Friday, July 4, 2008

4 July Update

New update on Healthier Life :

Smaller babies don't mean more heart risk
The danger of low birth weight and later heart risk may have been over-estimated, according to a review by The George Institute for International Health in Sydney [...]

Relief for restless legs
Do you often sit down, only yo have an urge to get up again and move your legs? If so, you could be suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome [...]

Build those quads
Stronger quadriceps can help protect cartilage loss behind the kneecap, according to Mayo Clinic researchers. Osteoarthritis in the knee occurs when the cartilage cushioning the end of the bones in the knee joint deteriorates over time. [...]


New update on Tips of the day:

Tips tips tips
1) Answer the phone by LEFT ear.
2) Do not drink coffee TWICE a day.
3) Do not take pills with COOL water.

Health and diet for children
Ensure proper nutrition for your toddler. We all need a balanced diet throughout or lives; it goes without saying that toddlers need it even more. You can find all the nutrients your toddler needs in many everyday sources [...]

Keep your car clean
Washing your car is not just about appearances: it can extend your vehicle's life.First rinse off surface dirt> Then wash using [...]


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